Essential Key Elements To Laundry Care

Essential key elements to laundry care starts with the knowledge on how to care for your laundry like a professional. Luxury linens will last a lifetime if you follow a few basic steps while cleaning your laundry.


The key to clean laundry is a clean washing machine. Many washing machines over time if closed on a regular basis for longer than 8 hours the machine will develop and grow a mildew inside the washing machine, as noted in the article "Here’s How Long You Can Leave Wet Clothes in the Washer, According to a Laundry Expert" by Shifrah Combiths and Lauren Wicks on If your washing starts to have a dewy odor, you can run some distilled white vinegar on the clean cycle to freshen your washing machine.

When loading the washing machine be sure to not over pack the washing machine so the items have space to move and spin inside the washing machine. When caring for your laundry it's important to know your home décor is a natural fiber so we highly advise not adding any additives such as bleach or dryer sheets to your laundry to keep the fiber pure, as noted by our resident laundry care expert Marissa Murphy in the article "Seven ways to Get Great Smelling Laundry Without Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets" by Allison Verdoorn and Lauren Wicks on

Be sure to use free and clear laundry detergent, such as The Laundress, run your washing cycle on cold water, make sure to run an extra rinse to get all of the detergent out, and remove your clean laundry from the washing machine once the washing cycle is complete for optimal laundry care.